GYCO Academy - Board of Directors

Support GYCO Academy

Thank you for considering making a donation to GYCO Academy. You can donate by bank transfer to the following account:

Bank: BAWAG P.S.K.
Account: Verein GYCO
IBAN: AT70 1400 0014 10847899

Become a GYCO Supporter

Become a GYCO Support and help us finance the operating costs and implementation of new projects. Support for GYCO is a step towards strengthening local economies, reducing poverty and stopping migration.


Yearly   : € 240
Monthly : € 20

Benefits: Regular update on the projects


Yearly   : € 600
Monthly : € 50

Benefits: Basic plus one gift per year (bracelet)


Yearly   : € 1,200
Monthly : € 100

Benefits: Basic plus one larger gift per year (bracelet)


Yearly   : € 2,400
Monthly : € 200

Benefits: Basic plus invitation to Gulu (without travel expenses)*


Yearly   : € 4,800
Monthly : € 400

Benefits: Basic plus invitation to Gulu (inclusive travel expenses)*

Wall of Supporters

Martin Kušej

Direktor Burgtheater Wien

I support GYCO because I’m fascinated by Uganda. During my travels through the country I experienced, which vitality, joy and fun all the children and young people in this country radiate. I was impressed with their optimism in the midst of this often maltreated and repeatedly stood up people. And I would like to help them to get a real chance for a fulfilled life with a perspective for their future. Together we should demonstrate that it is possible for these young people to be there, in their home country, to live well and work sensibly; that fleeing to other countries is the worst of all.

Photo ©

Elizabeth Specogna

Specogna Real Estate

Dear GYCO,

Kindness connects,
Connectedness brings opportunities.
Helping others to move on in life is a great gift.
Giving should be our daily creed.

These are my exact sentiments toward helping any need that I feel connected to. I am honoured to be able to help lives develop and grow strong.

Dr. Andreas Brandner


Knowledge is an essential element of a person´s identity and we spend a lot (most) of our time to search, access, learn, share, apply, transform, capture and develop knowledge throughout our lifes. A good use of knowledge helps to take responsibility for developing a better life, community, and society. However, nobody knows everything. That´s why partnerships are important. Knowledge, development and partnership are three key values that GYCO and are committed to and it is wonderful to see, how GYCO-members take leadership in inspiring, encouraging, enabling and mobilizing youth in Uganda to determine their own lifes and contribute to a sustainable development through education and community. As the founder and global chairman of I am very happy and grateful for this partnership and look forward to achieving more together.

Günter Penzenauer

Knowledgecity is a globally acting consulting company under the umbrella of km-a (knowledge management austria) and R&B Consulting group. The headquarter is based in Vienna but there are subsidiaries all over the world and in Uganda as well. When I met Louise one day she told me about the situation in Northern Uganda and the organisation she has started – GYCO – which big goal is to help the youth in this region to overcome negative mind set based on their bad experience from the past.

Following the approach and ideas of GYCO – which I found wonderful – I tried to spread my donations to available channels and – as president of an austrian soccer club – especially to the GYCO girls soccer team. I wish all the best for future.

Our Amazing Partner and Supporters

Become a GYCO Supporter

Become a GYCO Support and help us finance the operating costs and implementation of new projects. Support for GYCO is a step towards strengthening local economies, reducing poverty and stopping migration.